XYZmaker tutorial – Fish bone card holder part 1

In the center of the work plane, create a cube and choose a color in the properties window. From the properties window set the dimensions to X: 105, Y: 5, Z: 20 mm. This part will be called backbone.   Clone backbone (1&2) using the clone tool, then use the mouse button to click and hold the blue Z axis line(3). As shown, drag the model up slightly (4) along this Z axis line.   Take the cloned backbone, and in the properties window, change its dimensions to X: 115,Y: 15,Z: 20 mm, and color to black (4&5). Call this the cutting part. Tip: You can also use the controller orb to freely adjust the part’s X and Y dimensions, you just need to make the cloned part slightly larger than the origin.   Select cutting part (1) and click on X-Ray in the Properties window (2). Now you can clearly see where  the backbone and cutting

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XYZmaker tutorial – Fish bone card holder part 2

In the special gallery select the egg model to create an egg (1,2) . Edit its dimensions to X: 70,Y: 30,Z: 60 mm(3), and press the land (4) to make the egg stick to the work plane.   Create a cube called the cutting part and adjust its dimensions to X: 80,Y: 60,Z: 20 mm, adjust the part’s position as the image above.   Use the hole function to trim the egg (1-4). This part will be called the fish head.   Select the fish head (1), click and hold the arrow above the X axis(2), then drag the mouse and rotate the part 270 degrees(3).   Move the fish head to the fish body so that the two are combined(4). Then change the fish head’s color to the same as the fish body(5).   Looking at the two parts together, it seems like the fish body is a little bit too big. Select and shrink the fish body using

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XYZmaker tutorial – Fish bone card holder part 3

Next, create the fish tail; make a cube and change its dimensions to X: 50,Y: 15,Z: 60 mm, position it similar to the image above   Clone the cube, change its color, then enlarge, move, and rotate it to cut away the outline as previously done in this tutorial. This part will now be called the fish tail.   Clone the fish tail, shrink it, rotate it, and move it to the same position as the image above. This will be called the tail wedge.   The same as before, use the mirror function to copy the tail wedge, shrink it , rotate it, and move it to the same position as above.   Use the adjusted tail wedges to cut into the fish tail using the hole function. The fish tail is complete.   Separately adjust the fish head, fish body, and fish tail to ensure they are in the right positions. Take the fish head, fish body and fish

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XYZmaker tutorial – Fish bone card holder part 4

Next, create a base for the fish bone, add a cylinder, and adjust its dimensions to X: 100,Y: 35,Z: 20 mm.   Clone the cylinder then take the copied cylinder and in the properties box, adjust its position to X: 0,Y: 0,Z: 5. Change the dimensions to X: 135,Y: 80,Z: 10 mm.   Add a half pie (1,2) , single-click on the half pie icon and freely place the model in the work plane (3), then adjust its position.   Next, adjust the half pie’s position and dimensions in the properties box as the shown in the image above(4). These objects will be called the base.   Select the fish bone and move it toward the base so that the two overlap, use the image above as a reference.   Next, add a pen holder to make the card holder more useful. Create a cylinder and change its dimensions to X: 20,Y: 20,Z: 40 mm, then drag it on the base.   Clone

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