XYZmaker – Toolbar

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XYZmaker User Manual

Tool Bar

Tool Bar is located below the Menu Bar and has different commands to help you with your project. These are the buttons that will serve as your shortcuts to much easier functions that you will need. This includes (from left to right) the Undo, Redo, Copy, Paste, Clone, Group and Ungroup Button, Align, Land, Mirror, Hole and Delete Button lastly with the Grid Button.

Undo and Redo

To reverse your last Undo, press CTRL+Y. or click the Redo button. You can reverse more than one action that has been undone. You can use the Redo command only after an Undo command.

Copy and Paste

Copy and Paste function will allow you to copy one or more object to an alternate location. Just click the Copy icon then Paste in the Toolbar.


Clone function will just duplicate the selected object and paste it in original position. You just need to move the object to see the clone done.

Group and Ungroup

The Group Function instructs XYZmaker to combine two or more objects into a single object and can move as a single object. To group the objects, you must select two (2) or more objects using the Ctrl key then click the Group button or Ctrl + G.


If you ever want to move and align objects in one command that is exactly what the Align command does. Select the objects that you want to align, and click the Align button. Move the mouse to point it where the position of alignment you want. The lines provided will guide you. Red line indicates Alignment in X Axis; Green Line indicates Y Axis and Blue Line are for Z Axis Alignment.


This function is used if your selected object (z axis) is not landed on the workplane. The z axis of the object will revert to 0.  Select the object and click the Land button on the tool bar and it will landed on the workplane.


This function creates a duplicate of your desired object, a reflection of your object in a reversed position. Select the object that you want to duplicate and click the Mirror button in the tool bar. A bounding box will appear for the options of the mirror: Top, Left, Back, Front, Bottom and Right Position.


Hole Function will help you to subtract one object to another. It can be use in single or grouped objects. Select the base that you wanted to holed, click H, and then click the object that you want to remove in the base and click H also. Or you can click the Hole button in the Tool Bar.


This function will allow you to remove the object you imported in the workplane.

Guidelines :

     About XYZmaker
     System Requirements and Installation
     Quick Start
     Tool Bar
     Menu Bar
     Printer Plugin
     da Vinci nano Plugin