
Last updated on September 19th, 2018 at 10:46 am

File consists of New File, Open, Open Recent, Save, Save As and Add Item.

New File

This function will just reset the workplane. If there is an object in the workplane and you want to create a new one, just simply go to File then click New File.

1.Click on File


2. Click on New File


3. Workplane is already reset.

reset na


To open a certain file just click File then Open. File type supported to open by XYZmaker are STL, AMF, PLY, OBJ, 3MF and 3w.

1.Click File


2. Select Open


3.Select the file that you want to open. It can be STL, OBJ, 3W, PLY or AMF.


4. Click Open on the lower corner


Save and Save As

There are two different way of saving file in XYZmaker. First is “Save As” then the other one is “Save”.

Choosing Save simply saves your work by updating the last saved version of the file to match the current changes you have on your screen.

1. Open any file. In example, the opened file is 3DBenchy.stl


2. Resize the object or make any changes.


3.Click File then select Save


4. It will notify on the status bar that the file is already saved. For save function, notice that it will just rewrite the changes made on 3DBenchy.stl file.

Choosing “Save As…” brings up a prompt to save your work as a file with a different name. For example, you might choose to save a document called “Test.amf” as “Test.stl”. This way, you can save your file at different format.

1.Open any file. (I.E : 3DBenchy.stl)


2.Click File then select Save As. You can choose to save 3DBenchy.stl into AMF, PLY and OBJ file extension.


3. In example, 3DBench.stl is Save As PLY.


4.Save As window will display. Type the desired filename then click Save. In example, the filename set is Try.ply


4. Notice that Title bar changed from 3DBenchy.stl to Try.ply after saving it as PLY.


Add Item

This function will help you to combine several objects in the workplane. Once you use the Add Item, you can add any object as many as you can in your current project.

1. Click File then select Add Item.


2. Select the file that you want to add in the workspace then click Add.


3.3DBenchy object is already added on the workspace. Notice that the cube retain on the workplane.