Model Bar

Last updated on September 19th, 2018 at 10:19 am

The Model Bar is located at the left corner of the window will surely help you how to start creating a project by putting an object on the plane as it is. You can choose in the model bar which object will be needed in your project, it can be Geometric Figures, Letters, Numbers, Symbols, Special and Tools.


Geometric Figures

This are sets of different shapes that will help you to create your design easily. It consists of Cube, Sphere, Roof, Pyramid, Half – pie, Cylinder, Cone, Half – sphere, Hexagonal prism, Paraboloid, Capsule, Dodecahedron, Icosahedron, Octahedron and Tetrahedron.

Geomteric Figure


This consists of uppercase and lowercase set of alphabet. It will be easier for you to customize your design!

letters 2 copy


This are set of numerical figures that will help you to  customize your design as well.



This are set of punctuation symbol.



Different customized design can be found on Special symbols such as XYZprinting logo and different gear size for designing a car.

Special copy


Text Generator is the main tool to use in this function. You can choose different font style size depends on what you want.