Body Mode

How to scan: Body Mode

Get to know the optimized scanning speed for Body Mode, you can digitize a human body or large object in a few minutes.

The person being scanned should hold as still as possible throughout the scanning process to achieve a good scan.
When scanning a human body or large object, the operator will have to walk around the target. Remove any obstacles around the scanning target before scanning. 
Top Principles:

1. When scanning a human body, you can start from the head or the feet. Move the scanner around the head, the torso and the feet or vice versa.

2. Scanning data is much larger for full body scanning. It takes longer for data processing. For a smooth scanning experience, please move the scanner slower than using the head/object mode. Normally you should follow the scanning speed shown in this video:

3. Adjust the scanning speed by referring to the “data points” shown in the preview screen. When the increasing of data points has stopped, you may keep on scanning the next area.

• Shiny and dark surface (such as black hair) and transparent and reflective material are challenging to the scanning technology. Please check here for the scanning tips for such cases.  
• The scanner may lose tracking occasionally when scanning the surface without noticeable features. Please check here for the tips for scanning plain surface.


Continue the Scan

Scan Tip: Continue the Scan

3D model is made up of sequential images took by the scanner . The scanning frame rate is up to 30 frames per second (30 FPS). While shooting new images, the scanner identifies distance information about the surface in its view, and combine the shared features in every images into polygon mesh.”Lost tracking” may happen when scanning objects with certain colors and materials, with unstable movement during scanning, or when the target is at the edge of the scanner’s field of view.In this case, you may try to match the “grey shadow” with the colored mesh to continue the scan.

Demo video:

Unstable movement caused lost tracking. Now move the scanner, try to match the grey shadow with the colored mesh to continue the scan.

If you are unable to match the grey shadow with the colored mesh, please click “Retry” button in the software, or press-and-hold the button on the scanner. When the confirmation window popups, press-and-hold the button again to cancel current scan.

"Press-and-hold": Press and hold the button of the scanner for 2 seconds.

File Format

Other Information: File Format

XYZscan Handy allows to export your scan to multiple most common 3D file formats. The exported files can be imported and edited by a wide variety of different software.


A 3D format without color data; a file format for monochrome 3d printing.


A universally accepted format with color data. With selected to scan with “texture”, XYZscan Handy will export the texture map along with the obj file.

Export to .obj for printing with da Vinci Color.


A common 3D format with color data.


A 3d file format with texture data,  in particular for interoperability between Autodesk products and other Digital content creation (DCC) software packages.

fbx format is support since XYZscan Handy v.3.5.1.


Scan Skill: Light in Scan Environment

Uneven lighting in the scan environment does not influence the capture of an accurate 3D mesh, but may lead to uneven color texture for the result.To obtain the optimal colored 3D image, scans should be performed in a controlled environment with even lighting.


Original object

Scan result under even lighting conditions (Color view)

Scan result under even lighting conditions (Monochrome view)

An accurate 3D model can be generated even if the lighting is casting on the object unevenly. However, it is recommended to adjust the ambient light evenly before starting scan if the color texture of the 3D model is necessary for your application.

Note: The product is applicable only to indoor lighting.

Hold the Scan Target Still

Scan Tip: Hold the Scan Target Still

During 3D scan, the scanner will shoot successive images, and generate a 3D model by analyzing and stitching the common features of each images.If the posture or the position of the target is changed in the scanning process, the scanner may not stitch the 3D model correctly and generate unexpected scan result. Thus, it will be better to hold the scan target still throughout the scanning process. However, if you notice the target has shifted slightly during the scan process, try to move the scanner to the shifted area slowly and re-scan the displaced part. The scanner will try to update the 3D model in real time without having to start over the scan.

Demonstration Video:

In the demo video of scanning the hand, the thumb is moved slightly. It is possible to update the 3D model in real time, without restart the scanning. Try to move the scanner to the shifted area slowly to capture the 3D images again, the scanner will update the 3D data is possible.

Scan Result:

After rescanning the shifted area during the scan, the scanner has updated the scanning result accordingly.

Improve the Orientation of the Scanner

Scan Tip: Improve the Orientation of the Scanner

After initiating the scan, the scanner will take serial images, align the features in the 2D pictures, and stitch them into scanned geometry immediately.To get a complete scan, the orientation of the scanner is the key. The 3D scanner orients itself by recognizing the features on the surface.The noticeable features are using as the reference points for joining the depth image together.However, the scanner may not orient correctly when scanning the targets with plain surface. And thus will result in “losing tracking“, and may lead to incomplete scan.Nevertheless, it’s still possible to achieve a good scan even when scanning the target with plain surface. Read the following tips on how to deal with the targets with less features for orientation.

Tip 1: Add features to a plain surface

Demonstration Video: Head Mode

To the 3D scanner, plain straight hair is challenging to orient itself. In this case, it is recommended to put some accessories on the head for better orientation detection.

Plain straight hair can be scanned successfully with accessories.

Plain hair style with accessory is easier for scanning.

Hint: Having the hair tied up may also improve the orientation.
Demonstration Video: Object Mode

The exemplary object has a featureless surface when scanning it from a parallel angle. For better orientation of the scanner, it is recommended to put other objects over the target as the referencing points.

Hint: Adjust the placement of the scan target, like lay down the cylinder-shaped object, may improve the locating accuracy of the scanner.

Tip 2: Put other objects around the scan target

Demonstration Video: Head Mode

Rather plain hairstyle is challenging for scanning. In this case, you can scan the object around the head, such as collar and shoulder, to imrpove the orientation of the scanning.

Demonstration Video: Object Mode

When scanning objects with plain surface or without significantly embossed features, additional objects around can be used as the referencing points to improve the locating accuracy of the scanner.

Hint: The additional objects added as referencing points for scanner can be erased by using the 3D mesh-editing software.

Tip 3: Use the scanned area as the feature points for smoothly undulating surface

Demonstration Video: Head Mode


In scanning darker-colored objects or targets with featureless surface in some area, the scanner may lost tracking due to missing of orientation.

In this case, it is recommended to scan the areas with more noticeable features as which are easy for scan. And use the scanned area as the referencing points for scanning the featureless area.

Note: Color or texture on the surface will not work as the referencing point for scanning. For a colorful object with featureless surface, it is still difficult for the orientation of the scanner. The 3D scanner works better on the target with more features.

Tip 4: Alter the view angle of the scanner for an acute angle on the edge of the plain surface

Demonstration Video: Object Mode

The real-time image shows upright only when the scanner is held horizontally. So for an more intuitive scanning process, it will be better to hold the scanner horizontally.

However, altering the view angle of the scanner to scan from a parallel view is necessary for scanning some features. This is especially useful for scanning the acute angle on the edge of the plain surface, as it may prevent the scanner from disorientating.

Note: In object mode, the scanner should be held horizontally in order to focus and start scan. The direction of the scanner can be changed as need after starting the scan.


Colors and Materials

Scan Tip: Colors and Materials that are Difficult for Scanning

The accuracy of laser scan is susceptible to some colors and materials due to the limitations of the scanning technology.However, you can still achieve a good scan by applying the skills for scanning the targets with following conditions, or pre-treating the surface of the scan target when capable.

Reflective and transparent surface

On scanning the objects with reflective surface such as metal or mirror, the laser light will reflect off the surface, and result in inaccurate 3D model since there’s no data or unwanted data received by the scanner.Transparent material such as glass is also a challenge to 3D scan since it doesn’t reflect the laser light and returns no data to the scanner. In avoiding the affection on laser reflection, you may try to spray light colored rubber coating on such surface prior to scanning.

Metal surface object

After spraying coating paint on the metal surface

Scan result after spraying coating paint


Black colored surface

Very dark color absorbs most light, and weakens the reflection of laser. In scanning a surface with dark color, such as black, it is recommended to hold the scanner closer to the target, and try to scan from different angles.The closest scan distances for head mode and object mode are 25 cm and 10 cm, respectively. In scanning a person with darker hair or wearing darker clothes, or scanning a target with darker color, hold the scanner closer to the target so the scanner may be able to detect the laser reflection.In most case of scanning, you can hold the scanner parallel with the surface of the target and move it by following the shape of the target. However, if the colors or the materials of the surface make it difficult to return the light speckles, try to tilt the scanner to capture the laser patterns reflected from the surface from different angles. Doing so may help to make up those areas that are impossible to be scanned from certain angles.

Demonstration Video: Head Mode

When you find it difficult to capture the 3D image of black hair, try to scan the areas with more detectable features, such as face or ears. And then move the scanner gradually to the un-scan part with reference to the gray patch in the real-time screen, and also try scan the black hair from a closer distance and from different angles.

Object Mode

How to Scan: Object Mode

Learn how to focus on the object and get to know the scan tips for all kinds of features on the target, you can digitize your objects easily.

Scanning steps:

1. Focus on the scanned object

Scan area for the Object Mode is 60 x 60 x 30 cm (width x depth x height). When using this mode, the object must be placed on a flat surface. Allow the scanner to focus on the target object to start the scanning process.To allow the scanner to quickly detect and determine the size of the target object, it is recommend focusing from a top-down angle.

Hold the scanner horizontally with your left hand and move the scanner closer to the object. Refer to the preview screen and move the scanner to get a clear view.When you see the green frame around the object, click Start Scan or click the button on the scanner to start the scanning process.

Demonstration video:

Note: The color and pattern of the background may distract the focus of the scanner. It is recommended to place the object over and before a plain surface and away from other object before initializing the scan.Tip: The green frame indicates the current focus of the scanner. When scanning has been initiated, the scanner will dynamically adjust its scanning range. Hence, you may still acquire a complete scan even if the green box has not completely encompassed the entire object.


2. Watch the screen and move the scanner to the uncovered area

Constantly monitor the real-time image shown on the right half of the scanning program throughout the scanning process and steadily move the scanner according to the mesh image generated by the scanner.

Scanning process

In the illustration above, the purple-shaded area (section A) are where no data is captured. The yellow-shaded area (section B) indicates the scanned part. At this point, the user should move the scanner towards section A to cover up the holes.

Demonstration video:


You may move the scanner in any direction. In this example, we can see there are missing areas at the top of the robot’s head. We thus move the scanner towards the top. Likewise, we move the scanner downwards if there are missing areas at the feet. Scanned areas can be re-scanned so long as the scanned target remains still. Repeated scanning of the same location can help make up for any missing details.

3. Completing the scan

When a complete 3D image has been generated, click “Stop” or gently click the button on the scanner to complete the scan.

Demonstration video:

Head Mode

How to scan: Head Mode

Learn the tips on measuring the scan area of Head Mode and reduce the factors that may affect the scan result, you can make the digitized replicas easily.

The person being scanned should hold as still as possible throughout the scanning process to achieve a good scan.
In a limited space environment, the person being scanned may stand on the center of an turntable to allowing scanning from a fixed location.

Scanning steps:

1. Measure the minimum scanning distance

Scan area for the Head Mode is 80 x 50 x 80 cm (width x depth x height). As the scanning area is fixed once the scan started, it is advised to start scan from the closest scanning distance to acquire a complete 3D head image.You don’t need a ruler to measure the distance between the scanner and the scanned person. Simply refer to the preview image displayed on screen and adjust your scanner position accordingly.Please hold the scanner with your left hand and move it towards the most protruding feature of the target’s head. Refer to the preview screen and move the scanner by using the scanned person’s head as the point of origin.When the most protruded feature is clearly shown on the preview screen, click “Start Scan” or click the button on the scanner.

This preview image clearly displays the most protruded part (the ears) on the side of the head, indicating that the scanner has been placed in an optimal scanning location and is capable of capturing a complete scan.

Gray patches are seen on this image, showing that the scanner is located too close to the scanned target. The user must move the scanner away from the target slightly to get a complete image.

The nose and ears are usually the most protruding features on the front and the side of the head. Or sometimes hairs may be the most protruding part of the starting point. You can start scan from any side of the face. As long as you can start the process from minimum scanning distance first, you will get a better and more complete scan.

Demonstration video:

Tips for the complete scan:

1. Start from the side of the face, using the ears as the reference point.

2. If you start from the front of the face, use the nose as the reference point instead.

3. Once the preview image displays the entire head, you are ready to start scanning (make sure that the top of the head and chin are shown in the preview screen)

 2. Watch the screen and move the scanner to the uncovered area

Constantly monitor the real-time image shown on the right half of the scanning program throughout the scanning process and steadily move the scanner according to the mesh image generated by the scanner.

Scanning process

In the illustration above, the purple-shaded area (section A) are where no data is captured. The yellow-shaded area (section B) indicates the scanned part. At this point, the user should move the scanner towards section A to cover up the holes.

Demonstration video:

You may move the scanner in any direction. If you’re missing the chin in the image, then move the scanner towards the chin. Scanned areas can be re-scanned so long as the scanned target remains still. Repeated scanning of the same location can help make up for any missing details.

Move the scanner a full circle around the person's head. Go slowly when scanning the face so that the scanner can acquire better facial details and generate a higher quality scan. 
The scanner utilizes changes in surface depths to orient itself during the scanning process, and might become disoriented if there are no distinctive features in the hairstyle of the person being scanned. Please read more about finding the locating features for better orientation.

3. Complete the scan

When a complete 3D image has been generated, click “Stop” or gently click the button on the scanner to complete the scan.

Demonstration video: